YES — Youth Employment Skills


Our challenge is to create the identity and visual language for Yes. Yes is a partnership between 13 organisations who’s purpose is to create employment opportunities for 16-24 year olds in Stoke-on-Trent.

The identity will support growth, create and strengthen relationships with the stakeholder organisations and the young people of stoke.

We supported in the name generation and the development from concept through to final applications.

Yes, it’s powerful, it can change a life path.

Yes can find a way, it can give direction to those who can’t see the way forward. It’s black and white, say yes, not no and make a positive impact.

This simple notion is carried across the logo and its applications.

Strong typography with a bold graphic approach which utilises the space between the brackets - the space where positive things happen.

Colour is added through the application of the identity, through the stories told and the range of services offered.

Brand identity programme / Brand proposition / Design and Art Direction / Identity guidelines / Social media assets /


Purpose Led Performance


Rose & Thistle Property