Colas / Scott Wilson


Sheffield City Council’s Vision of being a modern vibrant city where people choose to live, invest and work could only be realised if the City’s highway network and street scene were improved to a standard suited to a modern European city. The proposed Highway Maintenance PFI Project would play a huge role to play in achieving the Council’s Policy Priorities and Vision.

An absence of investment in the highway network and street scene lead to the instigation of a PFI initiative, to assist the City in the achievement of the Council’s Vision and Policy Priorities. The Project’s direct benefits would be improvements to all of the highway assets, including smoother carriageways and footways, lighting to meet modern standards, and a more planned approach to maintenance.

All bidders had the capabilities to deliver the tangible infrastructure and construction works, so our bid focused on the DFT’s ‘New Approach to Appraisal’, addressing five criteria - Environment, Economy, Safety, Accessibility and Integration. We brought this to life throughout the bid submission, using location-based photography to reinforce the sense of place and community narrative.

Shaping product propositions to win / Design thinking process and design reviews and design workshops / Full Bid design, production and fulfilment

This project was delivered in partnership with The Ideas Facility


Andra Health


University of Salford