Howkins & Harrison


A rapidly changing and competitive marketplace using new technologies created a need to package over 125 years of business in a diverse, contemporary, flexible and enganging identity scheme.

Howkins & Harrison had seen a huge growth in their business and were seeing stress points in their existing identity. Tradtional methods of communication were needing to work alongside new digital channels.

The Howkins & Harrison identity development had to feel modern without losing over 125 years of heritage. The logotype and its application needed to align with customers in a range of sectors.

We created a strong, assured and contemporary mark which could be applied across all media. The logotype was supported by a diverse visual language which allows for the tone-of-voice of the comms materials to be tailored to support the business units their activity and effectively communicate with their customers.

Developing corporate and brand identity programmes / Analysing the customer journey / Brand proposition renewal / Engagement strategy and implementation / Full design implementation across all elements of the marketing communications mix


Vino Direct


Reach Outstanding / Get Set Coach