Reach Outstanding / Get Set Coach


Reach Outstanding, is a coaching and leadership development organisation based in Dubai. With an international client base and a strong track record in executive coaching, Reach Outstanding wanted to develop its proposition to attract new clients from students through to executives.

Through one of its clients, Reach Outstanding identified an opportunity to coach students helping them through the challenges of University life and then into the world of work. This market is different to that of coaching senior executives, so for any development to be successful, there needed to be a unique positioning strategy with supporting marketing execution to be clearly differentiated.

First, we ‘unpicked’ the Reach Outstanding offer, to create a brand proposition and communications strategy by defining its core values and brand essence to position its services clearly at the executive market. Secondly, we created a separate and distinct offer – ‘Get Set Coach,’ aimed at the student and young people market, with its own distinct positioning and marketing campaign structure to prevent brand contamination. This segmented approach was supported by a family of communications elements from brand identity through to print, digital and social marketing.

Developing corporate and brand identity programmes / Visualising and articulating the change journey / Brand proposition strategy and renewal / Full design implementation across all elements of the marketing communications mix / Design and Art Direction / Digital implementation /

This project was delivered in partnership with The Ideas Facility


Howkins & Harrison


Precision Yachting